Monday, April 18, 2011


Third week in Greece with splendid days of sunshine and wind that caries the aroma of neroli blossoms and messes up the hair in a playful and mischievous way. I love being in Thessaloniki when the sun shines, the mount Olympus plays hide and seek and the sea sparkles. Life seems good and promising on such a splendid day. 
On Tuesday evening I went to to my cousin's lecture at the MMCA. He talked with great humor and knowledge about the evil characters of cinema who all reside in modernist buildings. 
On Wednsday I attended a lithography workshop by my good friend Erica Gutenschwager. Also accepted the invitation to participate in a conference about Greek Botanical Gardens in June. I will write a paper about Nostalgic gardens of displaced people and will teach a blue print workshop. I realize that I truly belong in both continents and love it! 
On Thursday I went to see yet another play that I found delightful and totally up to date! Then late dinner at Zythos Doree, one of my favorite classic bier bars in Thessaloniki.
On Friday I worked on my paper project, run errands and at night I went to a book reading, where I met an old childhood friend. We stayed up passed midnight drinking white wine and savoring great food at a new small restaurant.
Saturday strated with a headache thanks to the cheap wine. The weather suddenly turned rainy, cold and moody.
We gave mom a bath that turned to be an almost disaster. The wheel chair broke and cut her leg. She was very uncomfortable and moaning most of the day. I thought she was going to pass away. I called the doctor who told me to chill, there is no reason to fear. But the reflection of my eyes on the mirror was full of terror. I spent most of the day at her side observing her malaise. I want to run away!
And I took the plane on Monday morning to go to Cologne. I kissed her good bye and asked her to wait till I'll be back in a week. 

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