Monday, April 11, 2011


Second week in SKG with a bit of nostalgia for STL. For this reason I have used the detail from this SLAM renaissance painting. 
Here I seem to be starting to feel rooted again. Social life in full bloom, as usual. Three hour lunches, late night visits with friends and a class on Architectural Theory taught by my cousin Petros Martinidis at the AUTH. Great analysis of Modernism/Postmodernism. On Thursday I had a good yoga session at noon. Then I spent the rest of the day in the company of childhood friends.
On Friday evening I was passing near Electra Palace Hotel and there were lots of policemen and the street was closed.  A woman was about to commit suicide by jumping off a hotel room balcony. 
A young passer by commented: we finally became Europeans! 
Someone else whispered: is she going to jump? I have been waiting almost half an hour. She is wasting my time! 
A policeman said: keep on moving. You are stressing her out!
I did not get to see the suicidal woman. I only saw an open balcony door with a light white curtain floating in the evening wind. 
I decided to walk into the corner pastry shop, buy a profiterol and celebrate life. 
On Saturday I went to the theater again. Contemporary Greek play, surprisingly very interesting and well acted. This time I went to the theater alone. On my way back I stopped at my friend's  Mairartesanias studio where I stayed until 3:30 am. I walked home through streets full of partying young people. I slept with earplugs.
Mom has been sleeping most of the time.
When awake she seems confused. Days ago she was concerned about the kids and the babies. Have they been fed, are they sleeping, who is my mom, when am I leaving? 
Total confusion. I asked her when is she leaving. 
-To go where?, she said. 
-To the underworld, I replied.

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