Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Taking a walk to the end of the world.

Almost two years have past since my last elzevir entry.
Long months of skin change, a painful yet valuable phase.
Part of the new experience was a solo long walk of 30 days in Spain, following the path of El Camino Frances. 
As a young child I had read about El Camino, the over 2000 year old pilgrimage to Finisterra, that at the early years of the Christian era became a pilgrimage to the sacred remains of Apostle Jacob, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. I was marveled and appalled by the long walkabout that seemed impossible to walk mile after mile, with the bare necessities carried on the pilgrim's back. I was in awe and fear of the strange figure of the bearded man with the tall walking stick, the long coat with the extra protection on the shoulders, and the wide brimmed hat with the big sea shell in the middle.
Little I knew, that was the first time the Camino called me.

(to be continued)

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