Thursday, November 25, 2010


November found me still in Europe, and this time I went to Milan. I ended up in Milan as a member of a theater group! Initially I was hired to design and make the costumes and sets, meanwhile in the process I ended up being hired to play the protagonistic double role! A strange, yet rich experience with lots of ups and downs that ended well in a world premier of my dramatic talent on the stage of Teatro Puccini Elfo under the aegis of Edge Festival 2010.
Things are never what they seem to be, illusion and imagination take over reality and add salt and pepper in life.
Months ago I let myself follow the white rabbit and like Alice I experienced half a year of wandering from East to West immersed in the entropy of people, actions and situations that came my way. My Grand Tour of 2010 will end soon and I am looking forward to more fabulous encounters and more marvelous travels in unknown territories in the near future. 
I feel that my wings are spreading out and am ready to use them. 

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