Saturday, December 28, 2019

Third and final call

Sometimes life is like a theater stage. Before the play starts there are three bell calls.
The third call to the Camino rung very long time after the second bell. And it proved to be the final. 
Fate had its way to reconnect me with my long lost love, the big love of my life.  It was a period that gave us both happiness and pain.The happiness needs no further explanations. The pain came from the fact that a husband, a child that was in need of my attention and the whole Atlantic Ocean standing between us, became serious obstacles to our sublime love. A series of unfortunate events gave the final blow that broke our relationship and my heart. 
What was I to do? The pain, the despair, the devastation are beyond description. All I wanted to do was get out in the streets and start running away. 
Walking the Camino was definitely how I was going to deal with my grief. 
I was aware that it is not something that I should dive into without preparation. 
So I crossed the Atlantic, returned at my home and started asking around if anyone new any pilgrim. And there she was, a friend of a friend who had a friend who had walked the Camino. 
I picked up the phone and made a cold phone call. The pilgrim on the other side was willing to share her knowledge and wisdom about her experience. Finally We met, spent a couple of hours together and it all started looking promising and feasible. 
Like Ariadne who had helped Theseus to go in and out the Labyrinth, the good pilgrim gave me the beginning of the thread that would help me to find my way to Santiago de Compostela.
First and foremost she advised me to join a couple of groups on fb. American Pilgrims on the Camino and Camigas~a Body System for Women on the Camino.

(To be continued)