Monday, December 20, 2010


Και τωρα απο την αλλα οχθη του ωκεανου, συνεχιζω τα Υπερατλαντικα Γραμματα.
Βρηκα προχθες τις παρακατω σκεψεις μου σ'ενα τετραδιο:
Life when lived well, is more than working, getting married, raising children, acquiring wealth...
It is all about the unexpected that is waiting for us around the corner, the glowing sceletons in our closets, the burning desires for the unobtainable, the companionship, the voyage, the unpredictable that come to meet us mid way.
So life is all about getting out there, making yourself available and seductive at your own risk.
I have never liked the ordinary, the domesticated, predictable and boringly safe way of living.
I am curious, love to be mixing myself in the business of the others, availing myself to strangers.
 I often have anxiety attacks imagining that all kinds of misfortunes can fall upon me, like they fall on Valentina and Blanche Epiphany, yet I keep on poking my nose out of my shell.